“CGI’s Senior Database Consultant picked it up Azure Synapse quickly and started contributing to the Finance project troubleshooting efforts in no time.
He has excellent scripting skills which really helps with automation of routine tasks. He also possesses very good communication and consultancy skills.
He is able to collaborate well with our business users from Finance. This goes a long way with building rapport and confidence with our business users.
He is the kind of DBA we definitely want to keep on our account as we all know technologies keep changing!”
“While more on the quiet side, CGI’s Database Consultant gets a lot of things done. I think every team needs someone like him who steadily and consistently gets
things completed efficiently. He is the main resource for our SQL 2019 upgrade project. I think he is very competent but rarely gets noticed because he is
quietly getting things done behind the scenes.”
“I think we all know how great this individual is at Oracle performance tuning. He has received numerous kudos from the business users he’s helped with
optimization of queries. I also get feedback from business users around his great work ethic and attitude.”
“Your CGI DB expert possesses great consultancy skills coupled with great technical skills, a combination that is hard to find. Add to that a great
personality! He certainly makes my job a lot easier as I am able to pull him into a meeting and/or quickly toss requests over and know that they are in good
hands. He is a good sounding board for ideas. Since joining the account, he has designed/created a reporting portal/dashboard to show the inventory and
health of our database environment. Needless to say this has been very useful. As the technical lead, I know the DBAs like working with him as he never
hesitates to jump in and help.”
“He continuously looks for ways to improve our database environment, especially our Oracle ExaCC environment. He has recently configured the autoscaling
on our Gen 2 environment, which should translate to cost savings.”
“CGI’s Database Consultant has been on our account (on and off and back on again) for a good number of years now. She is one of those rare breed of DBAs that
is highly proficient in both Oracle and SQL Server and is also our Foglight SME. Add to that her vibrant personality and responsiveness to customer needs.
This makes her very valuable to us. She always rises to the challenge and is very dedicated to seeing both our organization and CGI succeed.”
“Her attention to detail and focus on getting tasks documented have made things go smoothly and efficiently. Her eagerness to learn new technologies is a
great fit for us as things are constantly evolving here. She is also a great team player and never hesitates to share information and knowledge.”
“CGI’s Senior Database Consultant has been in our environment for almost as long as we’ve had Oracle ExaCC. She started back when we were doing the initial
ExaCC Gen 1 POC and I remember her tirelessly working through the night in order to meet timelines and/or fix critical issues. Fast forward to today, she’s
still the same dedicated, hard working person, though I sure hope there are less all-nighters to pull these days.”
“She is very personable and always pleasant and smiling. She gets along with pretty much everyone and has a great work ethic. She never complains and always
gets tasks done in a consistent and efficient manner. I recall another CGI DB Consultant telling me how she single handedly created all the containers for our
ExaCC migrations and/or DB upgrades. She is instrumental in the success of our Oracle 19c upgrade project and is also now a key resource for our Oracle ExaCC
Gen 2 migration project.”